
Welcome back to another Garage Dreams’ review.

Today, I’m looking at another car detailing product, and continuing with a recent theme of testing and reviewing car wash and wax products.

You can check out my recent reviews ofMeguiar’s Ultimate Wash & Waxand a basicTurtle Wax为了比较的缘故。

In this母亲的评论加利福尼亚金色果肉和蜡(what a mouthful!) I’ll be sharing my experiences and recommendations of this product.

请注意,我不是专业的汽车详细信息 - 我什至不是一个特别好的爱好者。但是,我看起来确实有一辆既干净又干净的汽车,并且感觉到我缺乏专业知识在制作这些评论时实际上有些积极,因为您正在获得产品的工作方式。

Is It Easy To Use?



All I did was:

  • Rinse my car off with the hose to remove as much loose dirt/grime as possible
  • 根据瓶子上的说明,使用母亲洗涤和蜡
  • Spray/rinse off
  • Dry with a large microfiber towel

我能够在大约15分钟内清洁整个汽车,这比我开车去当地洗手间要快!它不如使用类似的东西Meguiar的Quik细节, but that isn’t really a direct competitor product anyway.

How Well Does Mothers California Gold Wash & Wax Work?

As they say, a picture paints a thousand words.

With that in mind, let’s look at some before/during/after pictures of this Mothers product in action.





成品的明显改进 - 油漆具有独特的光泽。

所有人都在前面干燥 -​​ 总的来说,我对这款清洗和蜡的结果印象深刻。

I took these photos on an ageing Samsung Note phone, so they aren’t the best quality. The website also compresses them a bit when uploading to save storage space. However, I hope you can see that there is a good finish with this product. As I said above in the final caption, I’m very impressed overall.

要注意的另一件事是,在我洗了铃木Swift之后,我也洗了妻子的斯巴鲁遗产。我的时间很短,所以用那辆车我没有打扰干燥的步骤。我只是冲洗掉 - 那辆车是家庭骇客,努力工作,因此快速变得肮脏。

Although the results weren’t as good as what I saw with the Swift (and there was some water spotting) overall I was still very impressed. The finish was much better than what I would expect from using a machine wash at the local petrol station, for example.

Please note that I didn’t test this product with a foam/snow cannon, as I don’t currently have one. I simply did the “two bucket wash” method, and filled the wash bucket with the recommended amount of product.

Other reviewers seem to rate this product as working well with a foam cannon (better than bucket only performance). When I get one of these, I’ll have to try it out and report back and update this review. I can’t imagine you’d get worse performance than I saw by using a foam cannon.


Is This Product Good Value For Money?

I got a good price on special from my local big box auto store (at least it was a good price by NZ standards). Pricing does seem to vary greatly for this product based on where and when you are buying, so keep an eye out for good deals and then stock up accordingly.

Mothers – like Meguiar’s – never make the cheapest products. Instead, you pay a premium over the likes of Turtle Wax (or ‘no name’ products from hardware stores and auto chains) for a clearly superior product.

This might not be the best … I’m sure that pro auto detailers would find plenty to complain about, but for a weekend warrior like me Mothers California Gold Wash & Wax offers great value for money, especially when purchased at a special/discounted price. If you’re the kind of person who uses a paint thickness gauge to check how deep their car’s paint finish is, then you might want to look elsewhere at something superior (even at a higher price point) but overall I’m satisfied considering what I paid.

What’s Not To Like?

To be honest, from my testing there is little I didn’t like about this product. However, read on for a couple of negative points to consider.

The most common complaint I’ve seen online from other users is that it doesn’t sud up particularly well.

我的经历完全不同 - 我发现很容易产生厚,丰富的泡沫,并在水桶中推荐的量,然后在高压设置上直接将我的软管直接喷入水桶中。对这个特定的抱怨区域进行了更深入的了解,似乎有些用户可能会将产品添加到现有的水桶中,而不充分搅拌,或者用低压软管填充洗涤桶。

I have also seen some complaints that this wash and wax isn’t particularly good at removing heavy “soiling” e.g. mud stains. The car in this review – mySuzuki Swift Sport- 只是尘土飞扬,因为它是一辆城市汽车,而没有越野。此后,我还立即洗了我妻子的斯巴鲁遗产,这在沿着碎石路上沿着碎石道上覆盖了厚实的灰尘涂层。在这种情况下,该产品也非常有效。但是,下一次汽车被泥土覆盖时(这不时发生),我将重新测试,看看妈妈的加利福尼亚金洗衣服和蜡在去除泥土泥土时多么好。

母亲加利福尼亚金黄色果肉洗涤和蜡评论 - 结论

Overall, I really like this wash and wax product. It’s well priced (at least on special) easy to use, and leaves a great finish when you apply it properly and dry correctly.

这对我来说是有点折腾的Meguiar’s Ultimate Wash & Wax

I feel that the Meguiar’s product is a bit easier to work with, but the shine seems to be better with the Mothers product – at least from what I’ve tested and experienced so far.

There’s no doubt that this cleans and shines better than something like the basic Turtle Wax wash and wax that I tried not too long ago.

我喜欢这个母亲产品的另一件事是,广告比竞争的Meguiar产品少一些。例如,在该产品的亚马逊列表中,制造商谈论了如何“增强您的现有蜡”的设计 - 很明显,洗涤和蜡不是一个replacement为适当的打蜡,而是活的一种方式e and enhance the actual wax layer on your car. As mentioned earlier in this article, wash and wax products cannot replace proper waxing using something like Meguiar’s Ultimate Liquid Wax.

Considering that it is reasonably priced, I would definitely recommend Mothers California Gold wash and wax; especially if you can find it on special or sale.


What has been your experience with Mothers California Gold Wash & Wax? Feel free to leave a comment below – I’d love to hear your take/input. Let me know what other products you think are better for a similar price point.

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