Meguiar’s Ultimate Liquid Wax Review

Keeping your car properly waxed is critical if you want to keep your paint finish looking as good as possible for as long as possible.

I won’t go into all the benefits of waxing your car in this short review, but suffice it to say that you are doing your car a disservice if you don’t wax it.

When it comes to car wax, there are all sorts of products to suit all tastes and budgets.

Today, I’ll be looking at one specific product that I’ve been using for a while and wanted to share my feedback on.

In this Meguiar’s Ultimate Liquid Wax review, I’ll be running you through the pros and cons of this popular car wax.

Where Can You Buy It?


However, it pays to shop around and see if your local auto store or big box retailer has a good deal on this product.

例如,在新西兰的Supercheap Auto Chain上,它的价格比我从美国带来的要好得多,但是好的特价似乎很少而且相距甚远。

This isn’t some ultra-niche product that is hard to come by (famous last words, owing to how bad supply chains are at the moment) and unless you live in a very remote location, you should be able to pick up a bottle for a reasonable price.

What Do You Get In The Package

The product comes packaged in a sturdy box.


  • The bottle containing the wax
  • An applicator pad
  • A microfiber buffing cloth

Overall, it’s a premium feeling package. I’ve consistently found with Meguiar’s products that you get a great “feel” from the packaging, labelling etc.


I must admit that a black applicator pad and cloth (for the new packaging) doesn’t strike me as the most sensible idea as it’s hard to see how dirty both have become. Nonetheless, at least you get everything you need to start waxing your car with this kit.



Honestly, I’ve been really impressed by most aspects of this product.

When I first got into cars, I remember grinding away with a bottle of my dad’s old Turtle Wax paste wax, and having a miserable time trying to apply and buff it.

There was a period of time (and forgive me for I have sinned) where I was also a bit of a spray wax user, simply because it felt faster.


I’ve waxed myVolkswagen Touaregand my old Volvo 940 with this product – both of which are BIG cars – and it was a quick and enjoyable process, at least compared to trying to do the same with more conventional and less expensive paste wax products.

Ben – the other editor of Garage Dreams – is better at taking photos than me and has superior equipment, so I’ll get him to take professional before and after shots when he gets a chance. In the meantime I’ve just grabbed some basic product photos with my phone … but it’s a bit of an old device so not really suitable for picking up the nuances of the post-wax finish.



In an ideal world, it would be cheaper. But then again, I’d like many products and services I buy to be cheaper. A basic Turtle Wax product is probably less than half the price of this, at least on special, so if you just want the cheapest car wax on the market, then this isn’t the right product for you.

That being said, there are far more expensive products on the market, and I feel that Meguiar’s have done a good job here at achieving an excellent “price to performance” ratio with this particular product. It might not be the best, but from what I’ve tried it offers some of the best results for the price.

I have noticed that the wax separates quite substantially with storage, especially after a warm spell. You’ll want to shake the bottle thoroughly before using, or else you open the cap and get a spurt of watery residue that makes a bit of a mess.


Conclusion & Recap – Meguiar’s Ultimate Liquid Wax Review

Overall, I’ve been very impressed so far with Meguiar’s Ultimate Liquid Wax.

I’m sure that someone will be along in the comment section shortly after I publish this article, telling me how X, Y or Z product is much, much better.


If your budget is limited, then you can get away with a cheaper wax … anything is better than nothing. However, if you can stretch to buying this particular product, then I would strongly recommend it. It’s easy to apply, easy to buff off, and leaves an attractive shine and appears to repel water very well.


The other product I really like using –Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Polish & Wax如果你想要一个——是一个更好的选择“one stop shop” solution to improving the finish of a car and adding a protective wax layer. If you’re the kind of person who would only have time to wax a car once a year, then I would pick that simply because you can “correct” your finish and protect it in one go.

如果 - 另一方面 - 您就像我一样,每3-6个月打蜡一次,那么Meguiar的产品是一个不错的选择。如果您要求绝对最好,那么您可能想看看其他地方。对于那些寻求具有强大“代价与性能”比率的产品的人来说,梅吉亚尔(Meguiar)将其淘汰了。

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