Meguiar’s Quik Detailer Review (Mist & Wipe)


While you might have a routine car washing/detailing “cycle”, that doesn’t stop the weather, birds, or any other ‘force of nature’ (or man, in some cases) from deciding to get your paint dirty earlier than you might like.

You might clean your car on the Sunday, and then by Tuesday some bird has decided to do its business all over your nicely prepared paint finish.

What is a man (or woman) to do in this frustrating situation?


但是有一个更好的方法(或制造商likes to claim).

它被Meguiar's的“ Quik Deleder”称为“ Quik Deleder” - 特别是如上图所示的“雾和擦除”产品。


What Is It?



What it is meant for is touching up your car’s finish between washes.

I have read of some people using Quik Detailer as a way of removing built-up dust between washes (and when I was testing it more thoroughly – as per some of the images in this review) it worked well for that purpose. For example, if you cleaned your car and then it rains when taking it out, you might want a quick and easy way of getting the inevitable dust buildup off until you have a chance to wash it again – Quik Detailer is ideal for that purpose.

Another use for Quik Detailer is as a lubricant for clay bar application. If you’ve ever tried to clay bar a car, then you’ll know that you need to use something to create a slippery surface the clay bar can glide over (in fact, without something like this you risk damaging the paintwork if you just rub the clay bar on to a dry surface).

How Much Does It Cost?

Meguiar’s Quik Detailer is “reasonably” priced.

It isn’t dirt cheap, but isn’t horrendously expensive either.

Meguiar’s offer a couple of other detailer spray products (Ultimate, and Hybrid Ceramic) which are about $10 and $20 more expensive respectively in my local currency. Quik Detailer in the red bottle is the ‘entry level’ product from the Meguiar’s range, it seems.

Here in New Zealand, it costs around $30-35 a bottle, depending on where you are buying from (bear in mind that is NZD, so in USD at the time of writing I could buy from my local big box auto store for around $22.50 USD).

If you know anything about New Zealand, you’ll know it’s a beautiful country but we get absolutelyhosedin terms of value for money – and car detailing products are typically much more expensive here than in the United States and other larger markets.

At the time of writing, you can score a 16oz bottle of this product for $6.99 USD on Meguiar’s official online store ( – which comes out to $10.50 in my local currency. So it’s basically 1/3 the price to buy this product in America!

One other thing to bear in mind is that Meguiar’s bundle Quik Detailer into a ‘Smooth Surface Clay Kit’ which also comes with a clay bar twin pack and microfibre buffing cloth. This costs $50 NZD ($33) at time of writing from my local retailer.

If you’re getting into car detailing and don’t yet have a clay bar product, then I’d suggest that ponying up the extra money from the ‘Smooth Surface Clay Kit’ is worth it … it seems like better value for money to me than buying Quik Detailer alone.


How Do You Use It?



If I can use it and get good results, so can you – end of story.

Spray on to the surface you are looking to clean. You don’t need to go overboard either – a little goes a long way.



  • Easy to use & fast- 正如我上面提到的那样,这是一种非常防白痴的产品。买一瓶,等到您想在汽车上发现清洁的东西(或直到被灰尘覆盖,但由于时间限制而不想正确洗),然后喷洒,擦拭,然后再抛光。您可以通过此产品快速,轻松地改善汽车的完成。
  • Effective – good results –我已经在几个不同的汽车/油漆表面/场景(根据本评论中的图像)上测试了该产品,并且结果通常对结果印象深刻。我发现它的斑点比单独的水要好得多,并且在将光泽和闪耀带到表面上做得很好。
  • Multi-purpose –Not only is Quik Detailer a great “quick detailer”, you can also use it as a lubricant for clay bar usage. This amplifies the value of this product, making it even more appealing. I’m always a fan of products that you can use in multiple contexts, and this fits the bill nicely.
Application is quick and easy.


  • 不是最便宜的 -它比在水上喷洒更昂贵(显然),还有其他快速的细节产品,例如Turtle Wax快速,简易清洁和光泽;尽管定价似乎因地区而异。如果您的预算紧张,那么您可能想看看其他地方。MeGuiar的产品通常从来没有最负担得起的产品。
  • Some have complained of hazing on the finish- 我本人并没有亲自注意到这个问题,但是其他一些评论家说,该产品在油漆上可能会有一些朦胧的饰面。这可能是它们使用的蜡或其他密封剂类型的人工制品;我无法复制它。但是,这是值得注意的。也许看看您是否可以先借一些朋友或家人,以检查其在您的汽车上的工作方式。
  • 如果您要对很小的区域进行现场清洁,您可能只能使用水– Okay, a proper product like Quik Detailer will ultimately work better, but if you’re just an average car owner who wants to occasionally spot clean bird dirt etc, then it’s probably good enough just to use a sprayer bottle with some water and a microfibre cloth.
  • 比您想象的更多的肘部刺痛 -If you’re just removing road dust, then Quik Detailer makes light work of the situation. However, I found that when trying to remove “aged” bird dirt (that I hadn’t spotted) as well as some dried, splattered bugs, I needed to apply more effort than I was expecting. I was hardly sweating by the end of the process, and some of this might also be due to the fact that I was testing on a paint surface that hadn’t been waxed in a while … but don’t assume that you can just melt away imperfections without applying some good old-fashioned elbow grease.
这辆特定的汽车不久不在几百公里的公路旅行中。虽然定期清洁,但仍有大量的虫子和道路污垢积聚。在理想的世界中,您将完全清洗这辆车 - 但是,如果您需要快速修复该怎么办?

As you can see, Meguiar’s Quik ‘Mist & Wipe’ Detailer did a superb job (along with a bit of elbow grease) at bringing up the surface on this car. I’d say the surface here was as bad as you’d want to go in terms of the decision point between using this product versus doing a full clean … so for easier jobs it will work even better.

Meguiar’s Quik Detailer Review Conclusion

Overall, I’m a fan of Meguiar’s Quik Detailer.

我不会将其用作常规洗涤/清洁方案的替代品(相反,我建议使用类似MeGuiar的终极洗涤和蜡- 阅读我在该链接上的评论)。它也不是替代合适的汽车蜡/密封剂产品MeGuiar的终极液体蜡. If you’re the kind of person who is particular enough about their paintwork to use something like apaint coating thickness gauge,然后,您不太可能对该产品完全满意。


Meguiar的Quik细节也是物有所值的价值。虽然它不是市场上最便宜的产品,但价格合理 - 由于您不会一直使用它,因此应该持续使用。这不是您每隔几周就可以切碎的东西。正如我上面指出的那样,在“撕开新西兰”中,它的标准价格合理,在美国,价格约为1/3,因此不会破坏银行。


老实说,我没有尝试过任何竞争性的“修饰喷雾”产品 - 因此,如果您认为还有其他物有所值的物有所值,那么请在评论部分告诉我。但是,所有考虑的东西都非常喜欢这种产品,并将其推荐给其他汽车所有者,他们想要一种简单,负担得起的方法来快速修饰汽车上的油漆饰面。


