Do Bluetooth FM Transmitters Work In Old Cars?


But do Bluetooth FM transmitters work in old cars? And how old is “too old” when it comes to using one of these handy devices?

While even the most basic of new cars comes with Bluetooth connectivity (allowing you to play back audio and take calls) on older cars you might be very limited in terms of connectivity.

较旧的汽车可以有很多性格和个性,并且可以驾驶很有趣 - 但是当谈到“日常驾驶性”时,缺乏连接可以成为杀手。

All the driving enjoyment in the world (or the cheap cost of running and maintenance on a commuter older car) can be spoiled by finding you can’t play back your favourite tunes, in an era where music media like CDs and tape cassettes are long gone. Being stuck in traffic on the commute to work without music – or not being able to take and make calls – can be a right pain the proverbial.




If you want to know whether a Bluetooth FM transmitter will work in your old car, then there are really only two requirements:

  • 您的车需要拥有FM收音机。By the end of the 1970s, FM radio was the more popular than AM radio (source). FM car radios first appeared in the early 1950s, although uptake was minimal. In the 1960s FM radio started to become more popular, thanks to changes to FCC regulations over the past decade. In 1964, the FCC ordered that radio stations start to produce original content for FM, as opposed to merely “simulcasting” the content already produced for AM radio. Long story short, what this means for you is that just about any car built any car built since the early 1980s will be able to support a Bluetooth FM transmitter. As long as you have an FM radio, you are in business.
    • 如果您的汽车有一个只有AM-of AM--of Radio(如20世纪70年代早期或之前的复古经典汽车),那么您就不会使用FM发射器。但是,有一些AM无线电发射机单元可用 - 但这些绝对不是普通的或廉价作为FM发射器。在我们的旧车音频播放指南中,我们对此主题进入更多深度。
    • 另一致要注意的是,您需要访问发射机可以广播的空FM射频频率。像ClearFM这样的应用程序将帮助您找到最好的频率,如果您有问题
  • You need to be able to power the transmitter.Most of the time this is done via the use of the 12V power outlet in your car, which on many older cars also functions as a cigarette lighter. If you don’t have one of these in your car, then you’ll need to invest in a rechargeable FM transmitter. Read our guide to the best Bluetooth FM transmitters for more information on your options.

As long as you can say “yes” to the two criteria above (your car has an FM radio, and you have a way to power the transmitter) then it should work in your car!

Alternative Options May Be Better

Recently, we put together a guide looking at the best audio playback options for older cars (basically, how can you get more audio functionality/connectivity out of your older vehicle that lacks modern conveniences like Bluetooth/Apple CarPlay/Android Auto) – you can read the full guide118金宝搏抽水 for more information.

However, at a high level, it’s worth considering if a Bluetooth FM transmitter is the right option for your older car.

For example, depending on the age and type of your car, you might have access to options like:

  • AUX input– Many cars made since the early 2000s have an AUX input, sometimes hidden away in a glovebox or other “secret compartment” (check your user manual or search online for your specific make and model). If your car does have an AUX input, then you can use that directly from your phone – possibly via an adapter as many phones no longer have headphone jacks – or you can even invest in an AUX Bluetooth adapter that gives you the ability to wirelessly stream your music/audio with superior quality and reliability to an FM transmitter.
  • 胶带甲板/卡带播放器——如果你的车是我做的n the 1980s through to the early 2000s, then there is a chance it might have been fitted with a tape deck/cassette adapter. If so, you’re in luck. As we have covered in the past on this site, when looking at cassette adapters vs Bluetooth FM transmitters, the cassette adapter wins almost every time if you just want a simple, reliable way to play music back from your phone or MP3 player. If you have an older car that doesn’t have AUX but does have a cassette player, then we would advise this option every time. Learn more here about the188188金宝搏 .

Conclusion – Do Bluetooth FM Transmitters Work In Old Cars?

Yes, the humble Bluetooth FM transmitter does work in old cars – at least most of them that you are likely to be looking at buying and driving.

Provided your car has an FM radio, then it is possible to use an FM transmitter.

In an ideal world, your car will have a 12V outlet (on older cars this is often the cigarette lighter outlet) which can be used to power the transmitter. If you don’t have access to one of these outlets in your car – or you are using it for something else like a Sat Nav system – then you’ll need to look at a battery-powered, rechargeable transmitter. In our experience, the rechargeable-only units (many allow for permanent power or recharging) aren’t as good, but should still be passable for your needs.

如果你想了解更多关于的信息Bluetooth FM发射器,然后阅读我们在此处的全面审核/指南。

Don’t forget to check out our article on the best way to play back music in an older car – this goes into far more detail on all of your available options. You might think that an FM transmitter is your only option, but there could be other,优越的options e.g. using an AUX input or cassette adapter.


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