Best Tire Pressure Gauges for Toyota Cars – 2020

A good tire pressure gauge is one of the most underrated and overlooked tools you can have. Your tires are the only point of contact to the road, so it is incredibly important that they are inflated correctly. Incorrectly inflated tires can reduce performance, increase fuel consumption (costing you money) and can even be dangerous.


Best Tire Pressure Gauges for Toyotas

1:Astroai数字轮胎压力表150 PSI

在亚马逊上有9,000多次评论和将近5星级的评分,因此Astroai的数字轮胎压力表确实不会出错。它的数字LCD显示器提供了0 - 150 PSI的读数,并且简单的“ ON/单位/OFF”按钮使设备易于使用。该设备以0.5增量提供准确的读数,并可以显示四个不同的单元:PSI,BAR,KGF/CM²和KPA。


Astroai’s Digital Tire Pressure Gauge comes with a 1-year warranty and battery included. It is a great device for those looking for a low-cost, but fully featured tire pressure gauge for their Toyota. The device can not only be used with cars, but also motorcycles, trucks, and bicycles (however, it is not compatible with presta stems).


  • 背光液晶显示屏和喷嘴灯
  • 4个设置 /单位:0-150PSI / 0-10BAR / 0-10KGF /CM²或0-1000KPA
  • 人体工程学橡胶涂层滑动手柄
  • 低价

Product Specifications:

  • 牌:Astroai
  • 重量:50g (1.76 ounces)
  • Item number:ATG150


2:Jaco ElitePro轮胎压力表100 PSI


With a rugged and durable shock-resistant-gear case this tire pressure gauge is built to last. It features JACO’s signature HybridFlex leak-proof air hose that is flexible yet strong. The robust design is also equipped with a built-in air bleeder valve that can be used to reduce the pressure in overinflated tires.

A large 2-inch dial makes for easy readings and even glows in the dark. The tire pressure gauge can take readings from 0 – 100 psi and the scale even glows in the dark, so you can use it at night.

Jaco Superior Products通过其ElitePro数字轮胎压力表提供免费的100%终身满意度保证。该产品的价格非常出色,并且可以耐用的所有产品。


  • 在ANSI标准中校准准确(±1.5%)
  • 2-inch glow in the dark dial that reads up to 100 psi
  • 带有黄铜软管盾牌和杂交软管的防震外壳
  • Built-in air bleeder valve

Product Specifications:

  • 牌:JACO Superior Products
  • 重量:159g (5.6 ounces)
  • Item number:JSP-014


3: TireTek Flexi-Pro轮胎压力表

该轮胎主题的压力表可以从0 - 100 psi中读取,并校准为ANSI B40.1 B级B,从而确保您保持正确的轮胎压力到真实结果的2%以内。它还具有一个集成的出血按钮,可用于精确的轮胎压力调节和过度膨胀轮胎的缓慢压力释放。

TireTek have constructed this tire pressure gauge out of robust steel with an extended 5mm chuck tip, so you get a great seal with no air leakage. The tire shaped rubber cover will protect the gauge from nasty drops and the reinforced rubber hose will be able to withstand plenty of abuse.


No batteries are needed for this top rated, reliable tire pressure gauge. It will not only work with your Toyota car, but also other vehicles such as motorcycles, atvs and bicycles. TireTek also offers a 100% lifetime satisfaction guarantee with this product.


  • 0 - 100 psi的压力读数
  • Calibrated to ANSI B40.1 Grade B (+-2%)
  • Tough protective rubber coating and reinforced hose
  • Pressure holding function

Product Specifications:

  • 牌:蒂雷特克
  • 重量:272克(9.6盎司)
  • Item number:TT-GH01-QBR2-100

Click here to learn more and to buy online from Amazon



S-921轮胎压力表具有内置的放气阀,单个Chuck头和白色尼龙指示杆。它以10 kPa增量的一磅增量(40-350)的量度为5 - 50 psi(40-350)的压力。



  • 用加工零件制造
  • 内置缩放器
  • Small size
  • 测量范围为5 - 50 psi或40 - 350 kPa

Product Specifications

  • 牌:Milton
  • 重量:45g (1.6 ounces
  • Item number:S-921

Click here to learn more and to buy from Amazon

5: AstroAI Digital Tire Pressure Gauge & Inflator

For those looking for a tire pressure gauge for their Toyota that can work with a compressor, AstroAI’s Digital Tire Pressure Gauge & Inflator is a great option. This highly accurate, professional grade tire pressure gauge is calibrated to return a reading within 1% of the true pressure in your tires.

The gauge can take readings from 0 – 250 psi and the units displayed on the LED backlit screen can be changed via an accessible button on the front of the gauge. For those who need to use the gauge at night there is a handy light and the LCD screen is easy to read.

Astroai’s Tire Pressure Gauge & Inflator is constructed with high quality components that are made from durable and tough materials. It is suitable for a range of vehicles from cars to trucks to motorcycles and more.



  • Tire pressure gauge & inflator
  • 与¼英寸压缩机出口兼容
  • Can take readings from 0 – 250 psi (also take readings in Bar, kPa and kg/cm²)
  • Manufactured from high quality components & materials

Product Specifications:

  • 牌:Astroai
  • 重量:300克(10.6盎司)
  • Item number:250PSI-M




仪表具有四个范围:0 - 150 psi,0 - 10 bar,0 - 10 kgf/cm²或0 - 1000 kPa,并以0.1增量提供快速,精确的读数。Proready将该设备设计为紧凑和便携,因此可以轻松地存放在车辆中或骑自行车。



  • Four ranges: 0 – 150 psi, 0 – 10 bar, 0 – 10 kgf/cm² or 0 – 1000 kPa
  • Compact and portable
  • Automatic off function after 30 seconds
  • 快速触发按钮读数

Product Specifications:

  • 重量:32g (1.12 ounces)
  • Item number:MW-T0010


Tire Pressure Gauge Buying Guide & Information for Toyota Cars



It’s one of the most overlooked yet obvious problems with vehicles. So many people forget to check the tire pressure on their cars, so here are some reasons you should do it:

  • Improved Ride –We all like a smooth ride and putting the correct amount of air into your tires will help with this. A smooth ride is not only good for you, but also for your vehicle. When all of your car’s tires are at the correct pressure there is less strain on the rest of the vehicle. Your car is also designed to ride at a certain height from the ground, so proper inflation can save your vehicle if a pothole strikes.
  • 改善轮胎生活 -Tire manufacturers & installers will usually give a recommended pressure that you should use. If you put too much or too little air in your tires it can actually lead to increased tire wear, or possibly even a blowout. Putting the correct amount of air in your tires will mean less tire changes, saving you money.
  • Better Braking –轮胎压力和刹车直接相关。如果您敲打刹车,并且轮胎没有正确量的空气,则可以导致制动能力降低,并更长的停车距离。虽然您只会看到严重充气不足的轮胎的制动能力显着降低,但最好将它们承受正确的压力。
  • Fuel Economy –Nobody likes wasting money, but many do not realise they are throwing money away with incorrect tire pressures. If you are travelling large distances or commuting in your car everyday for work, you will want to make sure your tire pressures are correct to get the best MPG. A tire pressure gauge isn’t an expensive tool and it will quickly pay itself back in fuel economy savings.

How Do You Check the Tire Pressure on a Toyota Car?


如果你听到的声音空气逃避,生活faint whistle, then you are doing it right. Don’t worry about losing a little bit of air when you apply/remove the gauge, this is perfectly normal. If lots of air is coming out and the gauge isn’t reading, you are not doing it correctly.

How Often Should I Check My Tire Pressure?

在启动发动机或驾驶汽车之前,您应该检查丰田的轮胎压力。平均而言,定期使用每月损失约1 psi,因此我们建议您每2周左右检查一次丰田的轮胎压力。如果您开车大距离,经常每周检查轮胎压力。



如果您注意到汽车上的轮胎压力快速下降,则表明存在泄漏。泄漏既快速又缓慢。每3-4天下降了1 psi或更多psi,需要尽快解决。泄漏比更快的泄漏表明要更大的问题,并且可能需要更换轮胎。



是的,温度波动会影响丰田轮胎的压力。当外部温暖时,压力会更高,并且当凉爽时,压力较低。每次降低1度摄氏度,压力下降约为0.19 psi。这就是为什么定期检查轮胎压力很重要的原因。

Can Sunlight Affect Tire Pressure


Can Tire Temperature Affect Tire Pressure

我们已经讨论了环境温度和阳光如何影响轮胎压力,但是轮胎本身的温度如何。随着轮胎在车道转弯时变形时,它会产生阻力,其中一些阻力变成了热量。这会导致轮胎中的空气膨胀,并且可以从1-5 psi中增加轮胎压力。这就是为什么在坐了几个小时后检查丰田轮胎压力很重要的原因。

Types of Tire Pressure Gauges


  • 数字的 -These types of gauges are simple to use and usually feature a little LCD screen that displays the pressure reading. The LCD screen can usually be configured to read in a range of different units including psi, kPa, Bar and more. Digital tire pressure gauges tend to be a bit bigger than the other two types, so bear that in mind if you are looking for something compact. They also have batteries that can run out.
  • Dial –这些仪表是您在商店和在线上看到的最常见的仪表。它们通常具有带有模拟量规的钟状面对面。拨号仪的好处是,您不必担心它们用完电池。此外,它们通常很小,并且具有柔软的软管,使它们在紧迫的情况下更易于使用。尽管它们不会像数字规格那样精确地读取您,但由于许多拨号仪的构建更好,因此通常可以给您“更接近真实”的价值。
  • Stick/pencil –这些仪表在世界各地的车库中非常普遍,因为它们是紧凑而可靠的。它们很容易适合汽车维护套件,并将继续前进多年。棍子/铅笔仪往往是最难使用和阅读的,但是有了一点练习,您将立即获得准确的结果。平均而言,棍子尺寸也往往是您可以找到的最便宜的量规。

What to Look for When Buying a Tire Pressure Gauge


  • Size –There is something to be said for having a small, compact tire pressure gauge. If don’t have a lot of space in your toolbox or in your car you may want to opt for a smaller stick or dial gauge.
  • Max psi –对于道路上的大多数车辆,最多可读取50-60 psi的量规已足够。定制的车辆和轮胎可能需要更大的压力,因此在选择轮胎压力表时请记住这一点。此外,如果您打算将量规用于其他目的,则可能需要寻找具有较高PSI评级的内容。
  • 展示 -The display is largely going to depend on what type of gauge you purchase. Additionally, if you want to use the gauge in low light you will want to opt for a product with an LCD display or glow in the dark display (or use your phone light or torch).
  • Ergonomics & Weight –虽然您可能不会连续数小时使用轮胎压力表,但您会希望某种东西舒适易于握住。此外,如果您希望仪表成为某种轻质套件的一部分,则需要购买较小的产品。
  • Battery Requirements –One of the major downsides of digital gauges is that you have to replace the batteries in them or charge them up. This means you may be less likely to use the gauge if you forget to put new batteries in. Batteries are also an additional cost that dial and stick gauges don’t have.

