
Britain’s got it all when it comes to automotive heritage. Whether it’s vehicles for motorsport, production cars or garage projects, Britain has become synonymous with motoring greatness and innovation. We’ve created a list of what we think are the greatest British cars every produced.

Range Rover

范围漫游者不是第一个'豪华的SUV,但它肯定是该领域最着名的。实际上,Range Rover现在已经成为豪华车,一个4×4秒,但我们不指望陆路漫游者承认。尽管它似乎可以为足球运动员的妻子设计更多,而不是那些需要它在车道上的几个叶子的人,范围漫游者仍然是一个越野的野兽。这是最识别的英国汽车之一,并将SUV世界扭转在头上。



Jaguar E-Type

Almost certainly the most beautiful car to ever come out of Britain, the Jaguar E-Type is considered by many to be British motoring’s finest achievement. If Enzo Ferrari called it “the most beautiful car ever made”, we are certainly not going to argue with the man behind the Ferrari marque. The E-Type was successful both on and off the track. When it launched it had a sub-7 second 0-60mph time, disc brakes and independent front and rear suspension. While that doesn’t sound impressive now, in 1961 that was unheard of. The E-Type stole the show at the 1961 Geneva Auto Salon show and we think it could do it all again even today.


如果它对詹姆斯债券足够好,那么我们对我们来说肯定足够好。如果Aston Martin DB5可能不会享受同样的成功水平,如果它没有债券先生的帮助Goldfinger那it’s still one of the greatest cars we’ve ever seen. The optional extras fitted to Bond’s car sadly didn’t came with production models, however the 4.0-litre 282 bhp engine and gorgeous looks certainly made up for it.


What is considered to many as the greatest supercar every built, the McLaren F1 was like nothing anybody had seen before. Conceived by Ron Dennis and F1 designer Gordon Murray, the car turned out to be one of the most legendary vehicles every built and is still the benchmark for many cars today.

A 6-litre BMW V12 engine encased in a gold heat shield powered the car to an unbelievable 240 mph, ushering in a new era of motoring. A central seating position meant for driver focused cockpit and you could even bring two other mates along for the glorious ride.

Morgan Plus 8

摩根的+ 8可能部分用木头做的一个d based of an old roadster design, but its certainly one of the coolest cars we’ve ever seen. Never mind turning up in a Ferrari or Lamborghini, turn up in one of these and everyone will notice you. Built from 1968-2004, the Plus 8 was produced in small numbers and received very few visual changes over its 36 year lifespan. While the outside didn’t change much the inside was updated constantly to keep up with many contemporary sports cars. There were even propane-fueled cars from 1984-1989, which were a bundle of laughs apparently.


英国公司制造的最着名的越野是在海滩上设想的。设计师,Maurice Wilks勾勒出我在红码头湾的沙子中的系列设计,并永远改变了驾驶世界。从那时起,已经七十年来,我们已经看到了来自原始陆虎系列的整个后代,但第一个仍然是最具标志性的。它可能已经基于吉普车,但土地漫游者就像他们来的英国人一样。

莲花elan sprint.

在700kg下方称重并具有近乎完美的重量分布,意味着莲花·伊兰冲刺是一辆终极驾驶汽车。当马自达用它作为灵感来创造有史以来最受欢迎的跑车,MX-5时,你知道艾兰有遗产。它也由Gordon Murray和Jay Leno所拥有的。

McLaren P1

作为F1的继任者,混合动力P1展示了世界上电力与汽油良好的电力不需要只是为了生态战士。P1组合737 HP 3.9升双涡轮增压V8发动机,具有178 HP电动机,总共916 HP。迈凯轮然后在碳复合体内包装所有这些功率,以开发今天的顶级超级磁车之一。它只是一个耻辱所有375立即售罄。






虽然它不是最好的汽车劳斯莱斯 - 罗伊斯曾经产生过,但银色的影子将品牌带到了群众,成为马克在这个过程中最成功的车辆。它可能没有所有的铃声和​​吹口哨的其他劳斯莱斯汽车,但它仍然保留了那种豪华的感觉只能创造。它也看起来也很酷。


有人说是英国模特,奥斯汀七是日常男人的摩托车。Herbert Austin表示,他的终极目标与七个是为创造“目前的男人的一个体面的车,可以买得起摩托车和侧网”。对于不同的任务,七个有许多不同的版本,具体取决于所需的用户。它在赛车运动中也有其位于赛车运动的地方,为崭露头角的赛车手提供了廉价平台。

