
Predicting the future is notoriously difficult.

Many great minds throughout history have tried, to varying degrees of success.

Even predicting the weather seems challenging enough (if the accuracy of our local forecasts is anything to go by).

While some things are harder to predict than others, one area that is definitely on the more challenging end of the spectrum is predicting whether or not a particular car will become a classic. However, we are embarking on a new series at Garage Dreams where we look at the “classic potential” of cars that we have covered in this site with our buyer’s guides and other articles.

We recently looked atwhether or not the Nissan 300ZX will become a classic, and in today’s article we are looking at another member of Nissan’s Z-Car family, the 350Z (also known as the Fairlady Z in some markets – read our article here on the350Z和Fairlady Z之间的差异了解更多信息)。

Please note that we cannot offer definitive advice as to whether or not a car will become a classic. Do not sell your house on account of our recommendations and then invest all your money into a fleet of Nissan 350Zs in the hope of riding the current classic car capital gains frenzy.

However, when a number of factors are considered we think there is strong potential for the Nissan 350Z to become a classic and go up in value over time.




This is important, as performance cars do have a greater tendency to become classics. It’s hard to think of any performance car built in the past few decades that hasn’t eventually seen an increase in prices after bottoming out thanks to the effects of depreciation.

在最近的一篇文章中350Z是否是快车, and with 0-60mph dispatched in anywhere from 5-6 seconds (depending on who you ask, exactly which model you test, and how you test it) nobody in good conscience can claim that the 350Z isn’t a good performer. In that article we compared the 350Z to theHonda Civic Type R; in terms of straight line performance there isn’t much to it. The Type R is what most people would consider to be a strong performer and a fast car, so why wouldn’t you consider the 350Z in the same manner?

Even if we look at Nurburgring lap times (which are a bit of a meme in our view) the 350Z still holds its own well. The new generation Type R debuted with a Nurburgring Time of around 7 minutes 45 seconds, whereas the 350Z managed 8 minutes 26 seconds. While that is a substantial difference when measuring from the perspective of pure motorsport performance – where every millisecond counts – for the average buyer and driver the 350Z still puts in a good showing. Would you really notice that kind of difference on a day-to-day basis when driving to the conditions and rules of the road? Probably not!

In fact, when compared to cars from the same era it really was rather impressive. For example, the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII managed 8 minutes 25 seconds, so the 350Z was only a second slower than an AWD performance monster!

While the more modern crop of sports cars – and even hatchbacks and station wagons – have surpassed the levels of performance that the 350Z can attain (at least without modification) it is still a powerful car with great acceleration, a commendable top speed and sound handling characteristics, although it can be a challenge to inexperienced drivers and in inclement weather conditions, leading to the 350Z being one of the most statistically-dangerous cars on American roads.


It’s no great secret that stylish and attractive cars (or visually quirky ones) tend to have a higher chance of becoming classics.

While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it is a subjective topic, we believe that the Nissan 350Z is a good looking car.

It has somewhat “art deco” lines, and is an instantly-recognisable sight on the roads, especially from the rear.

It is a purposeful, muscular design that looks as good as it did the day it rolled off the production line, if not better. We feel the 350Z’s styling is superior to that of the 370Z as well.



Fan Base/Following

Another factor we reckon is worth considering when it comes to assessing the future classic potential of a car is how much of a loyal fan base/following it has.


On this front the Nissan 350Z scores well. There are many great enthusiast websites and other groups (both online and offline) in many countries.


  • My 350Z Forum – https://my350z.com/
  • UK 350Z Forum – https://www.350z-uk.com/
  • 350 z俱乐部——https://www.350zclub.org/

This doesn’t even include general Nissan enthusiast websites and clubs. Depending on where you live, there is a high chance you might find a local owners club or meet-up. Cars with this kind of following tend to be more likely to become classics.

Long story short, the 350Z has a bit of a cult following that will help its potential to become a future,善意经典的。

The other thing to bear in mind with the 350Z is that it is another instalment in Nissan’s cherished Z-family of sports cars (read our article这里on the history of the Z-car line and name, and what it actually stands for). We can’t think of a single previous Z car that isn’t a desirable classic in its own right – some worth more than others – and although the old investing adage is that past performance is no guarantee of future performance, there is a solid “pedigree” with the Z-car name. It’s a bit like how every Ford with an RS badge tends to become a classic to some degree or another; the Z-Car name will do the same with the 350Z.

This helps to contribute to the likelihood that the Nissan 350Z will become a classic.



This is especially the case in a world where finding “pure” sports cars with simple, powerful naturally-aspirated engines, rear-wheel drive and manual gearboxes is becoming harder and harder. It is unlikely that many cars like the 350Z will be produced in the near future, let alone long term.


As we covered in a recent article on the pros and cons of buying a350Z与Infiniti G35从实际角度来看,350Z并不是世界上最好的买。但是,如果您想要一辆具有简单性质的吸引力,能力和令人兴奋的跑车(以一种很好的方式),那么350Z是当今市场上最好的选择之一。


Give it a few more years, and a car like the Nissan 350Z that is simple, tactile and “mechanical” will seem even more compelling. While we are excited for what the future holds with regards to car technology and the inevitable march towards electrification, an experience like the Nissan 350Z can afford will soon feel very special indeed, and well worth the price of admission.

Conclusion – Will The Nissan 350Z Become A Classic One Day?

In our view, the 350Z has strong classic potential. In fact, it’s probably arguable that it is a “modern classic” already in its own right, and recent price activity seems to support that notion.

350 z抽搐ks a number of boxes that help to determine whether a car is more likely to become regarded as a classic. It is good looking, still offers great performance, and has had a dedicated and loyal following since its launch almost 20 years ago. Age and mileage are now taking their toll in the 350Z fleet, which is another tick in the potential classic box (as rarity is likely to improve the classic potential).


With a bit of patience – and armed with the right knowledge and budget – you can probably find a 350Z to suit your needs and have a car with strong future classic potential that is still usable. If we look at cars like theR34 GT-R, they are getting to the point where they are just so expensive that unless you are rather well-heeled, they are out of reach.

此外,即使您可以购买六位数的R34 GT-R,您实际上是否想驾驶它?(当然,似乎许多购买类似汽车的人都将他们视为“车库皇后”,并希望将投资存储在希望以更高价值的情况下转售为途中)。

这就是我们非常喜欢Nissan 350Z。这是一辆“普通百姓”仍然可以每天/周末使用的汽车,可以负担得起的运行和维护,并且有可能从这里攀升。但是,由于它仍然处于市场上的可靠点,因此您不需要购买它并依赖它的价值增长……您可以购买和享受,如果价格欣赏,那是一个不错的额外奖励。


Will the Nissan 350Z Go Up In Value?

The main reason many are interested in whether a car will become a classic is because they want to see their investment appreciate from a financial perspective.


However, this “everything bubble” may not last forever. While it feels like it will never end at the moment, at some point the euphoria and FOMO will have to stop.

Will Nissan 350Z values continue to rise thereafter?


首先,在本文中我们已经介绍了is lots to support the argument that the 350Z should become a classic. It is a great performance car with attractive looks, a sound reputation and a loyal fan-base. From that perspective, it ‘ticks the boxes’.

Secondly, because values aren’t crazy inflated like the Japanese hero cars of the 1990s (e.g. theToyota Supra或者Honda NSX) even if the bubble bursts in the short/mid term, chances are you will have been able to pick up a 350Z at a price where you can afford to daily drive it or at least use it regularly, and you won’t have to put too much money into buying one. Basically, prices at the moment are at a point where you can buy a 350Z to drive and enjoy and then any price appreciation is an added bonus, not a requirement to make the purchase stack up!


With prices rising and good examples of the 350Z becoming increasingly difficult to find, you don’t want to wind up with a “dog” that leaves you disappointed.

Make sure you read our日产350Z买家指南有关为您提供预算最好的350Z的更多信息。We have put together what we think is the most comprehensive and accurate buyer’s guide for this popular car (it also covers the JDM-spec Fairlady Z as well – learn more here about the differences between the 350Z and Fairlady Z if you’re interested).



  1. I recently bought a 2006 350z convertable roadster. I’m totally going to restore it or should I sell it. I only have 5500 in it at this moment. The car has 191000 miles on it but drives great.

    • I guess it depends whether you see yourself driving it and enjoying it for years to come?

      You could sell it, but will you be able to get another one down the track for what this one “owes you”?


