
Here at车库梦, we are massive fans of Mazda’s legendary lineup of rotary engine cars.

Although the RX7 will generally always be seen as the greatest rotary of all time (and we tend to agree), the successor – Mazda’s RX8 – is still a worthy vehicle and much more affordable.

实际上,许多潜在的买家(包括那些阅读我们详细的人马自达RX-8买家指南)are left wondering “why are Mazda RX8s so cheap?”

在这个版本的188abc金博宝 we look at some of the reasons why RX8s are so cheap.

The RX-8 Never Really Lived Up To The RX-7


However, in our opinion, one of the reasons why Mazda RX8s are so cheap is because the RX8 never really lived up to the reputation and “mystique” of the RX7 (particularly the FD generation –在此处阅读我们的RX7的买家指南

This isn’t to say that the RX8 is a bad car. In fact, it is a superb car and a good “swan song” for the rotary engine (until Mazda brings back the rotary, that is).

Despite the excellence of the RX8, there is no escaping the fact that it has always existed in the shadow of the RX7.

Ask any enthusiast which they would rather have – RX7 or RX8 – and it’s likely that nine out of ten would opt for the RX7.


You know at concerts how there are often opening acts for the main band? The RX8 was a bit like the opening act for the RX7 (if the opening act was a closing act instead).


This situation in many respects is unique to RX7s/RX8s, because they are both the only options for anyone wanting a semi-modern rotary engined vehicle (absolute unicorns aside, such as the JC Cosmo).

需求更高,RX7的供应较低 -which is why the RX7 is so expensive– whereas the RX8 has long sat in the shadow of its predecessor and been seen – undeservingly – by many as a completely inferior vehicle. While the RX7 surely does best its successor in many departments, the RX8 certainly has a lot going for it.

此外,RX8在著,尴尬age where it is no longer a modern car, but isn’t old enough to be a classic (it almost isn’t even old enough to be a modern classic).

就像青春期对人类的挑战一样,inbetweeneryears (anyone familiar with the cult UK comedy show will get the reference) can be challenging for the values and desirability of cars. We therefore expect to see values climb in time as RX8s age.

Supply & Demand

If you ever did economics at school/university/college, then you probably learned about supply and demand.

The higher the demand, the higher the price (Ceteris Paribus

The higher the demand and the lower the supply, the higher the price climbs in turn (a fact painfully familiar for anyone trying to purchase a PS5 console after launch, for example)

With cars, you need to consider the fact that the surviving population of any post-production model declines over time as well. Cars fall victim to disrepair, rust, and accidents, meaning that supply falls even lower.

How Many RX8s Were Made?

根据Wikipedia的说法,2003 - 2012年生产结束时,大约192,000 RX8生产。

For comparison, only 69,000 RX7 FDs were produced over a similar timeframe.





Poor Fuel Economy & Daily Drivability


Rotary engines might be small in size (and produce substantial power relative to that size) but they have a tendency to be thirsty.

Driving a car with a displacement smaller than most milk bottles, but which drinks like a v8, can be off-putting to many.

While some owners will argue the toss and claim that the fuel economy/gas mileage isn’tthat bad, the truth is that it is fairly bad, especially if you are doing short trips around town in stop/start traffic.

看着Reddit RX8 board例如,许多所有者报告说,现实的城市和高速公路燃气里程约为17mpg。但是,根据一些报道,只能驾驶这辆车就可以降低10-12 mpg。

If you don’t mind poor gas mileage or you only plan on driving infrequently, then the “MPG nightmare” that awaits won’t really be an issue. In fact, you can basically benefit from the fact that other people are put off buying RX8s due to their poor economy.

但是,如果您想将一个人用作日常驾驶员 - 尤其是如果您在城镇周围进行了很多里程或短途旅行 - 那么您真的需要在加油站花费大量时间和金钱。

短途旅行在城市交通也可以潜在的contribute to flooding issues that are a problem for rotary engines. Shutting down your engine before it reaches peak operating temperature – like you might often see in short commutes and city driving – can risk a greater likelihood of flooding, especially if your RX8 has a weak ignition system. RX8s were built to be driven hard, right to redline. However, many owners buy them and avoid driving them the way the car was made to be driven because they want to keep fuel costs down and are restricted in city driving. It’s a bit of a downwards spiral!

因此,RX8的经济不良和“每日驾驶性”是为什么他们现在如此便宜的关键原因 - 许多人只是不想应对拥有一个的麻烦和费用。


Potential For Big Repair & Maintenance Bills


如果您已经阅读了我们的RX8买家指南,那么您会意识到,这款独特的车辆可能会出错很多东西 - 与旋转引擎有关。

RX8并不宽恕不当保养和维护。但是,由于其价格低廉 - 许多所有者进入所有权过程的事实,而没有很好地了解需要成本和努力以适当维护旋转的事实 - 市场上有很多例子受到的照顾不好。

When something does go wrong on the RX8, you will generally find that it’s going to cost you more to fix than you’d be accustomed to on a conventional engine car.



What you need to be comfortable with is the fact that you will大概have to reach into your pocket from time to time for repairs, and you most certainly will need to keep on top of maintenance.

If you are looking at an RX8, then get a compression test done – that is a must. Also spend time studying RX8 forums, buyer’s guides and more to get a solid understanding of what to look out for.

While you might strike it lucky, we suggest that you go in to the process of RX8 ownership expecting that you will need to cough up cash on a regular basis.

Because of this, many prospective owners are put off (reducing demand, and therefore reducing prices). Furthermore, some people who do buy this car find they cannot deal with the maintenance and repair demands, and sell their vehicles back into the market.

结论 - 为什么马自达RX8如此便宜?

To recap, here are some of the reasons why Mazda RX8s are available for such reasonable money:

  1. RX-8不是RX-7。The RX-8 is a great car in its own right (especially the later facelifted version) but it never really reached the same level of desirability, and definitely not the same level of performance as the RX-7. The RX-8 glides under the radar compared to the RX-7, which is considered by most to be the far more desirable and valuable vehicle. In some respects, the RX-8 has suffered in the fact that it has always lived under the shadow of its older brother. We mean this with no disrespect to the RX-8 (as we say, it’s a superb car in its own right provided you are happy to live with poor MPG and potential reliability issues) but for many buyers the RX-7 is the “rotary to go for”.
  2. 正处于“尴尬”时代;不再是新的,但也不是真正的经典。The RX-8 can no longer be considered a new generation car – especially because of the niche technology powering it – but nor is it old enough to be considered a proper classic (or even a modern classic) yet. We think that values will probably rise in time as the car becomes more of a genuine classic.
  3. Relatively decent supply.This ties in to the point above; there is still a decent supply of RX-8s on the market (including examples still being exported out of Japan albeit in RHD). While this number of “survivors” will whittle away over time, it’s much easier to find a decent RX-8 than an RX-7, for example. Supply and demand is a key factor in classic car pricing.
  4. MPG/气体里程差。The RX8 is famous for being a gas guzzler. Despite its tiny displacement, rotary engines chew through a lot of gas. This poor mileage is intolerable for many, ruling it out as a suitable daily driver for example (doubly so if you only do a lot of shorter trips, which can be disastrous for the reliability of the Wankel rotary engine). Many complain that the RX8 has disproportionately poor performance relative to its fuel economy, and many who could tolerate the poor MPG are probably on the market for more premium, upmarket vehicles.
  5. 潜在的可靠性和高维护要求。没有提及可靠性,就没有对RX8进行讨论。RX8在新车时(至少可以说)时,RX8并不是一个特别可靠的汽车,而且年龄肯定并没有使任何更好。尽管有很多人发誓他们的RX8从未跳过任何节拍(我们毫不怀疑),但也有无数例子说,这辆车严重错误,并为所有者造成了巨大的维修费用。与“普通”汽车相比,常规维护也可能要求且昂贵。

事实是,在某些方面,是perceptionof the RX8 as being an excessively thirsty and potentially ruinously-expensive-to-run car that has led to second hand prices being so low.

Many owners will report generally good ownership experiences, and if you find an RX8 that has been well cared for (or you’re happy to bring it up to standard yourself, which some experts claim is the better approach) then you will enjoy a car that is regarded as one of the best drives around. Ok, it isn’t the fastest in a straight line; but who can say no to a super high RPM redline, smooth revving engine and superb handling?

Why are RX8s so cheap? Because many are “scared off” of ownership and simply don’t consider them. While we don’t recommend the RX8 as a daily driver, if you can pick one up as weekend fun car, track vehicle etc then you are getting into something truly great. Just be prepared to spend on maintenance and repairs! Also, make sure youcheck out our Mazda RX-8 buyer’s guidefor more information on how to score yourself a great example of this legendary car.


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