
Tires are a crucial part of any vehicle, and they’re often overlooked. If you take a moment to really consider it, you’ll realize they are involved in everything from accelerating, to steering, to braking. Any time the car is moving (and even when it’s not; it’s gotta stay put somehow, right?) the tires are playing a key role. Naturally, you’ll want each tire to be the best it can be, as they can only be as good as their weakest link.

What about mixing and matching tires? Brands? Models? SIZES? There are a lot of things to think about here. Usually this is a bad idea, but in a pinch or certain situations it can be OK. Let’s take a look at what it can really mean to mix your tires around and how it affects the way your car performs.








Maybe you’re interested in a staggered setup like this but your car is “square” (has the same size tire on the front and back). It’s possible in certain situations to put a larger size on the rear, provided you keep the overall diameter as close as possible to the original size. It also hinges somewhat on how sophisticated your traction and ABS systems are. Most newer vehicles are going to be too sensitive to accommodate using different sizes.

Finally, if you’re in a pinch and are thinking about putting ONE differently sized tire on your car, just don’t. You’ll have a horrible pull to one side that will get worse with braking, and it’s almost guaranteed to screw with your traction control. It could also cause driveline damage in extreme cases. It’s worth it to do the extra leg work to find a tire in the same size as your other three.



When I mentioned driveline damage earlier, you may have thought “No way. How’s that even possible?”. You wouldn’t be alone, but rest assured that it can happen. ESPECIALLY on AWD.


以Subaru STI为例。它的传动系统有三个有限的滑动差速器。所有的计算机都假设您的尺寸轮胎在汽车的每个角落都具有相同水平的握力。基于此和车轮速度传感器的信息(除其他外),它决定了在任何给定时刻向哪个车轴发送多少功率。

Now let’s put one smaller tire on the right rear. The rear LSD is now binding against itself constantly, trying to get the rear wheel speeds more in sync. LSDs are designed to bind; it’s how they work, but when it happens constantly it will overheat. Heat causes the gear oil to break down and could eventually burn up the differential.

Hang on, it gets worse. The STI has a center differential, too, that controls the front and rear balance. Since the rear overall is now spinning faster, the center diff is binding as well.





There you have it. Simply put, a different tire is usually fine on your everyday car, provided you use the same size. For performance driving, AWD and sports cars, try to stick to the same size and type of tire on each wheel and you’ll have much better results.



