

虽然它似乎从未像喜欢的那样流行或可取丰田上文MK4日产天际线GT-R或者马自达rx-7,然后3000gt / gto对此进行了很多。

Superb acceleration, plenty of grip owing in part to an AWD system, and a comfortable “mile munching” configuration that is perfect for grand touring (no points for guessing what the “GT” stands for!) all add up to make the 3000GT an excellent car, and a fantastic modern classic.

什么使3000gt这么好的是它的力量。虽然它是一个相当重的汽车,但是,双涡轮增压3.0 v6生产多达320马力,取决于汽车和精确配置的年份(与时代的许多汽车一样,JDM-SPED GTO声称276HP虽然真实的数字可能更高。了解更多关于为什么日本汽车仅限于276小时的标称数字)。

在熟练的驾驶员手中,3000GT VR-4(或GTO双涡轮增压器)在5秒内可能达到60mph / 100kph,尽管有些报告甚至更快的加速。例如,最好的驾驶版本发现了GTO MR(罕见的,轻的GTO双涡轮增压器)比一英里的R32 GT-R更快。甚至穆罗甚至在他对3000GT的审查中,发现它不仅仅是速度,这是一个时代的汽车,而是“现代汽车快速”。




重要的是要注意,并非所有3000GTS / GTO都有双涡轮增压引擎。

许多人来了一个自然吸气的3.0 v6。


在北美市场,可以在没有AWD的情况下指定非涡轮增压3000gts;在日本,所有GTOS都是AWD,据我们所知(在新西兰我们得到了很多日本进口二手车 - 虽然GTO正在成为道路上越来越罕见的景象,但这都是AWD)

As you might be aware, the Mitsubishi 3000GT was also sold as a ‘badge engineered’ Dodge Stealth in the North American market (you can learn more here about the 3000GT vs Dodge Stealth if you’d like more info on the subtle differences between the two).

Dodge Stealth可提供入门级12阀门SOHC 3.0 V6,其大约为162小时。原来的3000GT和第一次修订整容不可用,这是一个相当不足的发动机选项 - 只有隐身是。但是,1997年(对于最终整容),隐身完全下降,并用相同的SOCH发动机释放了3000GT。


Should You Consider Buying A Non-Turbo 3000GT/GTO?

我们已经确定并非所有3000GTS / GTO都是双涡轮增压。

With this in mind, should you consider buying a non-turbocharged example?

最终,这归结于你真正广域网t and what your budget is. For example, if you just want a clean 3000GT/GTO because you love the shape and you don’t care too much about having the fastest car on the road, then you’ll probably find it easier these days to get into a NA 3000GT for a reasonable price (certainly that is the case where we are based – twin turbo cars are becoming rather pricey, whereas you can still score a decent non-turbo for a fair price).


不要以为非涡轮增压器是可怕的。我们在NZ中推动了几个不同的非涡轮三菱GTO(来自每个“生成”/ Facelift),并且一直印象深刻。Turbo选项肯定更快,绝对更可取,但对于日常使用手动变速箱的非涡轮增压仍然足够强大,以获得乐趣。

However, we would advise avoiding the base SOHC V6 that was available for the final facelift of the 3000GT in the United States (and same goes for the Dodge Stealth). Unless you are scoring an absolute bargain or the car is in irresistible condition, that engine is too underpowered for a heavy car.

With that being said, if you desire the best, then you’ll no doubt want to get your hands on a twin turbocharged car.

无论你想要什么车,都要确保你查看我们的3000gt / gto买方指南and model history here了解更多信息。此综合资源将帮助您来源,检查和购买最佳的MITSUBISHI 3000GT。

结论 - 全部3000gt / gto双涡轮增压吗?


使用自然吸气的3.0 V6出售了许多3000gts / gtos。

其中大多数是24V DOHC发动机,仍然尊重强大,提供令人愉快的驾驶体验。

但是,有一些12V SOHC单元漂浮 - 至少用于非JDM汽车。在美国市场。这些应该避免这些,除非你得到了很大的交易,否则你很乐意采取最不强大的选择。

别忘了查看我们的3000gt / gto买方指南也是。


